Assalamualaikum and Hola!!!
Lame SHIRA tak menulis dekat blog ni.. Mencurahkan apa yang terjadi sepanjang perjalanan hidup ini.. Sedar tak sedar, it's been 6 months already since my lovely late grandmother had passed away.. Nenek..... I MISS YOU.. I REALLY DO.. I often cry when I suddenly remember about u.. But in silence of course.. Kalau tak, habis semua orang jadi sedih... We are trying our best to continue our live without you Nenek... We really do..
Tapi, setiap genap ceruk dekat dalam rumah tu, setiap barang, setiap makanan, setiap warna, setiap cerita sentiasa mengingatkan adik dekat Nenek... How we miss you.. Really, really miss you.. Setiap hari sebelum pergi kelas, mesti lalu bustop serumpun... That is the place when I got a text message saying that you are "nazak".. I remember the moment I got that message, badan menggeletar, terus berpaut kt bustop and duduk.. That moment, air mata dah bertakung... Tapi disebabkan ader assignment nk kena hantar, so SHIRA tpon Kak Ikin (One of my BFF) and then dengar jer suara die, terus nangis... Tak sempat nak cakap ape. Die dalam bus terus turun and find me at the bustop... Menggigil, menangis tak berhenti... I remember those moment.. Thankszz KAK IKIN sebab ada ngan SHIRA time I really need someone...
Shira terus call ayah mintak jemput dekat UPM.. Memang tak ingt ape dah.. Ingt bawak balik laptop jer.. Baju sehelai pon tak bawak balik.. Haishh.. SHIRA mesej semua my BFF time kat sekolah yang selalu lepak rumah, inform dorg.. One of them, ponteng kelas dekat UITM Shah Alam, terus pergi IJN with my sister temankan SHIRA (thankkszz Anie)... Kak Ikin pon pada masa yang sama still keep in touch with me walaupon die dalam kelas...
Huhuhuhu.. Dah habis bergulung-gulung tisu ni.. So, sambung lain kali lah.. Until we meet at Part 2...